HAPPY CHRISTMAS – Markets and what’s coming in 2022!

It’s has been a very busy and exciting run up to Christmas. This year, we decided to have a go at selling our beautiful products at Christmas markets.  We’ve based ourselves around North Staffordshire and the Peak District. So it’s been an early start on a Sunday morning, car packed, flask filled, sandwiches made and thermals ready to go.  Being out, meeting new customers and talking about our products and our passion for design is something that we have both enjoyed, it’s been fabulous.

However, it’s not been plain sailing, high winds, rain, snow and minus temperatures have been challenging at times, but we stuck with it and have loved that we are selling more than expected and stock is now running low.  We have put so much energy into the markets that our website and our social media pages have been a little quiet. That’s all going to change next year!

So what will 2022 bring for Tasteful Attractive Things? Definitely more markets, our plan is to continue to do at one at least once a month. We will be adding loads of new and exciting stock with some lovely products for Spring and Valentine’s Day. We are also intending to hugely expand the range of products we sell.


Happy Christmas and a Tasteful New Year – lots of love H and Hels


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