Share The Love

Why Not surround yourself with Love?!

Make your home feel loved this week. Rearrange the furniture, hide the clutter (or even better get rid of it) and make the place smell nice. A few little changes can have a wonderful positive effect on the feel good factor and we certainly need a bit of that right now.

Tasteful attractive Things top tips this week – feel the love! x

Make your home smell sweet and blissful. – Get those scented candles burning. Place a scented candle in the hall, allowing the air to rise and fill the upstairs with your favourite scented smell.

Click the image to see our candles and diffusers

Put things away – Decluttering or just putting things away can really lift the mood. Try a different room every day, looking at things and thinking, do I like it,? When did I last touch it? Does have a better place to be stored? You will be amazed how large the charity or second hand donation will be. Maybe even sell some of your unwanted stuff? There are loads of fee free options on the internet. Follow this link for some great advice on 40 of the best sites to sell stuff. The 40 Best Places to Sell Stuff On line. There are many more too.

We sell some great Tasteful Storage and lots of Fabulous Things to replace that old and tired clutter. Tasteful Attractive Things Shop

Click the image to see some great storage ideas

Make do or mend? – Is there that little job that needs doing? Take the time to fix that thing that’s been on your list forever. It may be as easy as changing a light bulb, putting up a picture or changing the artificial flowers for some lovely freshly cut ones. After it’s done we nearly always ask the question; Why didn’t I do that sooner, it took me no time at all?!!!

Click the image to visit our shop

Cosy cold dark nights – Break out the candles, the blankets, throws and the cushions and snuggle right in. Spring is just around the corner, but enjoy those toasty cosy winter nights.

Click image to see our cushions and throws

Tasteful Attractive Things – Sharing the love. X

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