Vintage …..”of old, recognised, and enduring interest, importance, or quality : classic”

When we saw that Drew Pritchard had released a book and a new TV series, we got very excited. we love the way he takes something that’s old, from an unusual place, often someone else’s junk and looks well past its best and and then presents it in a new context, giving it a new lease of life.

His quote ‘When I see something old, that I think is beautiful, special, valuable, it’s not about the money. It’s about being in another time and place.’ Drew Pritchard 

Generally, vintage items have been properly designed, made to last and look the part The quality of the workmanship and the materials used is something we really love. When you see something old, worn and unloved, think beyond it’s condition and intended use and see what exciting stuff can develop.

Recently, we really enjoy sourcing a range of Vintage glassware for Tasteful Attractive Things, unloved and forgotten, but truly Beautiful and Tasteful Take a look in the Vintage Glass section of our shop and enjoy a Gin & Tonic in style.

Shop For Tasteful Attractive Things – Vintage Glass

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